Here at IM365 Health, we provide the following services
Same day appointments
Get seen when you need to be seen with no delay.
In-office blood draws
Convenient for our busy members who do not have time to waste sitting at a lab.
In-hospital visits
Have your personal doctor advocating for your needs in-person if you are ever hospitalized.
Extended appointment times
So you have plenty of time to address all of your concerns.
Personal Cell Phone
For any health-related issues on the weekend or after hours. No more waiting until Monday to get a prescription.
Proactive Health Management
Your journey through the complex healthcare system can be a daunting task. Allow us to be the ‘insiders’ with the knowledge to get you the care you need.
Universal Health Profile
Your complete health record that includes any records that you have with specialists secured electronically and easily accessible via my HIPAA certified patient portal.